Calistoga Art Center
The Calistoga Art Center was formed in 2002 by community members and art enthusiasts to expand and enrich the arts in the Napa Valley through education, experience, awareness and involvement.
Calistoga Police Officers Association
The C.P.O.A is an organization dedicated to supporting the officers of the Calistoga Police Department and the community they serve. They also put on their own annual Christmas Basket Give away.
Hearts and Hands preschool
Hearts and Hands Preschool, is a unique non-profit, non-religious preschool in the 12th year of operating. Their mission is to cultivate a community of families and teachers working together to provide a safe, stimulating and positive environment that enhances and fosters the physical, emotional, cognitive, creative and social development of each child.
Boys and Girls Club / Calistoga
The mission of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Napa Valley is to inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us the most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.
Collabria Care / Hospice of Napa Valley
Founded as Hospice of Napa Valley in 1979, Collabria Care has become the leading center for community-based care delivery and resources in the North Bay, for those facing transitions of aging, Alzheimer’s disease and other serious illness or the end of life.
Since then, we have grown into a vibrant non-profit organization with more than 125 employees and 130 volunteers serving Napa County and its surrounding communities. Our award-winning programs are created to respond to the current needs of our community, and additional programs are designed with a look towards the future needs of our aging population.
Napa Valley Food Bank
Since 1965, Community Action of Napa Valley has been helping to increase self-determination and self-sufficiency for low-income families, disadvantaged people, and senior citizens in our community.
We help our fellow citizens improve their lives and their situations. Whether, it’s shelter, or food, or care and attention, the programs, staff, and supporters of Community Action of Napa Valley make a real difference for people throughout the Napa Valley.
Calistoga Little League
Little League Baseball, Incorporated is a non-profit organization whose mission is to “promote, develop, supervise, and voluntarily assist in all lawful ways, the interest of those who will participate in Little League Baseball and Softball.
Up Valley Family Center in Calistoga
The UpValley Family Centers provide guidance, support, and resources in the community, in the home and for the individual, so that everyone can achieve a better life.
Calistoga Youth Sports
The City of Calistoga offers various sports leagues, camps, clinics, and programs throughout the year. We believe that every child should have the opportunity to engage in fun, active play that is safe and provides positive experiences. Please visit our specific pages regarding pertinent information!
Meals on Wheels
Home-bound frail seniors who still live in their own home may benefit from a home-delivered daily meal. Our volunteer Meals on Wheels drivers will bring you a nutritious meal along with some lively conversation. We’ll check in with you each day, make sure you’re doing well, and bring you food you need to continue to live a healthy life. Our drivers may also offer you Community Action’s Wellness on Wheels program giving you regular visits from a registered nurse to help you stay healthy. At this time only Meals on Wheels participants are eligible for Wellness on Wheels.
Calistoga High School Sober Grad Night
“Safe and Sober Grad Night Parties.” Following Calistoga High School graduation ceremonies, parents school staff and other volunteers hold an event for the graduates that include games, entertainment, prizes and other safe and sober activities. Every year the evening’s plans are kept secret from the students so there is a surprise element. Calistoga Grad Nights is a registered nonprfit and tax-deductible donations (FEIN #68-0440407) can be made payable to Calistoga Grad Nights, P.O. Box 824, Calistoga, CA 94515.
Calistoga Cares
CalistogaCares is a local Food Pantry which gives food once a month to those who have filled out an application and have proven that a need exists for assistance..
• Seniors or the disabled can have food delivered to them.
• New applicants who meet the income guidelines can come on one of those days to fill out an application, receive food, and be put on the monthly list.
Wine Country Animal Lovers
Our mission is to create shelter and quality medical care in a safe, loving environment for all animals that come to Wine Country Animal Lovers with the goal of ensuring that each animal finds its forever home. We provide resources to existing pet owners so animals can remain in a responsible loving home. We educate the public on responsible pet ownership through mentoring and outreach
Calistoga Boy Scouts
The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
There are four aims of Scouting: citizenship, character, personal fitness, and leadership.
The methods of Cub Scouting are: living the ideals, belonging to a den, advancement, family involvement, activities, serving the community, and the uniform.
Calistoga Holiday Sharing Program
The UpValley Family Centers provide guidance, support, and resources in the community, in the home and for the individual, so that everyone can achieve a better life.
Napa Emergency Women’s Services
NEWS is committed to supporting victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse, especially during this time of escalated stress and anxiety. Out of deep respect for the health of our employees and their families, our service deliveries have been altered slightly. In no way will our commitment to providing safety, hope, healing and empowerment for survivors of domestic and sexual abuse be minimized.
Calistoga High School Senior Class Trip
The main purpose of donating to the Senior Class Trip is to help those High School Seniors that may not be able to financially afford to participate in their Senior class trip.
Calistoga High School Senior Class Scholarships
The main and foremost purpose of scholarships is to provide the financial aid to students to pursue their education and fulfill their dreams without any hurdles in life. Scholarships provide access to those who didn't have means for meeting the expenses of education.